The Gospel According To Gale

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

It can be fun to be a mean girl. To sit around with your friends and make fun of everyone else for how hideous they are or how annoying their voice is or how much they remind you of Hermoine Granger. But doesn't it ever get old? I mean... isn't the end of Mean Girls supposed to come and everyone is hanging out with different people and we are all nodding at each other and able to make civil conversation? i think that is called growing up.

Trust me... I love sitting around trash talking everyone, especially the Lindseys... but after a while it feels like a wasted amount of energy hating on people that instead I could spend bettering myself. Think about it like this... if every time I made fun of someone I did ten push ups, my beautiful larger than life arm muscles chizzled by the Gods themselves... would be alot bigger than they already are... and if every time I posted someone on the dirty... I would have ran a mile instead... I would be a lot skinnier than I am now.. and I might have a lot more friends. Like I dont regret it... it was hilarious.. its just not time well speant...

Sometime I feel just as fake as the bitches I make fun of... and I really just want to be an honest person. I dont wanna talk shit just because my friends are or because they hate someone... in fact... most people hate certain people just because everyone else does. Especially at NKU. All of my friends went into that school hearing rumours about all of the teachers and the students already there. Adn they chose to believe them and accept that as the truth. All the people that everyone already hated.. they hated too. They talked the same shit baout the same teachers that they hadnever even had in class!!! I just wish people would get a brain of their own. Form your own opinions. Even if its different from others. Open your mind. I mean really open your mind to a blank slate... forget about all of the rumours you have ever heard about anyone or anything, and open yourself up to your own new and exciting expereince. And if the rumours were true they were true, but at least you cay say you gave it your all.

Most people arent as bad as anyone else makes them out to be. Its just a lot easire to say, "Oh my God I know I hate Laura Wahler too she is such a cocke dealing whore." Than to ask me out to dinner.

But next time you heard a rumour about someone... hang out with them. And see if its true for yourself. Or you just might make amother fucking friend.

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