People judge. They love to judge others and their situations. Sometimes I even have to take a step back from when I am talking and tell myself, "Hey, let them be. You don't know their situation, it is not for you to say or comment on." I am not saying we all shouldn't form opinions about things or even that if we have opinions that we should keep them to ourselves. One of the best things in life is having a different view on something than someone so you can share what you think about a topic. Then they can share what they think, you disagree at parts, agree at parts, but what is most important is to keep that mind open and learn from one another. Having that, "Huh, I never thought about it like that" moment is something I strive for, because it means I was exposed to something that hadn't really crossed my mind, or maybe it was something obvious that my brain just hadn't seen or caught on to. That is why others are there, to talk, discuss, and share views.
There is a difference between having a different thought or opinion, and being a nasty ignorant bitch. You know, those nasty ass bitches that just have a damn look on their face about others, something they do or have done. Narrow small minded cunt wrags who think that they are better than everyone else because they haven't tried a drug ever or they have only slept with one person in their life. I am not saying those are bad things, at all, whatsoever. But if I can sit here and respect you for your choices, then respect me for who I am. Respect my friends for who they are and what they have done. Whether it was a mistake or not, whether I or they regret it or not, (noregrets) it isn't hurting you in the any way, shape, or form. I do bite my tongue as I say this because I certainly lack respect for homeless junkies, and girls who have sex with 3 different boys in one weekend.
I think that is different though, than saying accept some of my flaws rather than "Oh hey accept me with a needle hanging half way out of my arm." Do you know what I mean?
I feel like Carrie Bradshaw.
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